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    Turns on 'Road of the Gypsy' on leg-mounted walkman* Archived Message

    Posted by UofIL6 on March 29, 2024, 23:26:41, in reply to ""A bunch of things must have gone wrong if you're listening to this. Whatever happened, I know..."

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    you must be real scared. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to head for home. Maybe if I was you, I'd want to make a flat-out run for Helicon air force base in Greece.

    Right now, you're probably filled with all the doubts in the world, but I'm going to tell you something, Doug, baby. God doesn't give people things he doesn't want them to use, and he gave you the touch. It's a power you have inside of you, down there where you keep your guts, boy. It's all you need to blast your way in and get back what they took from you.

    Your dad's just sitting there, waiting for a miracle, and if you fly your heart out, you can give him one.

    It's up to you.

    Don't bother putting on this tape if you're turning back.


    You decided, didn't you? All right!

    First thing you got to do is convince yourself that nothing can stop you.

    You gotta believe that plane you're in is like a suit of armor, like an iron eagle that nothing can penetrate.

    Now listen close, kid. I recorded some stuff to help you through each part of the mission.

    Remember to talk into your flight recorder, so there's a record of everything.

    Don't waste your time worrying about me.

    You start thinking that way, and you'll mess up.

    Just pretend I'm in that cockpit with you, and we're still going in to knock the sh*t out of them together.

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