His modus operandi is always interesting to watch. He will tailgate onto the main themes of the board and post what he thinks people want to read. He then bends it around to his own mad theories that are then repeated ad finitum.
He will also heap praise on individuals
like GS and Paul Rusling to try to endear him to them. This despite the fact he has slated both of them on other boards as he tries to endear himself to Mervin Hagger.
Really entertaining to observe.
He has been banned again. What a joke that place is.
Most of his recent posts made more sense than those from the rest of conspiracy theorists on that board.
Yes Roger - very good for a laugh, so long as you don't take the lies forum rule breaking & nonsense seriously.
It makes me laugh, that All change/Davidlw is still posting - he's been banned & unbanned more times than I've had hot dinners
Still on his "Hobby mw horse" of course.
I suspect that if PM is feeling a bit down, he visits that site and gives himself a good chuckle.