Very similiar situation to me, Stephen, only in my first office job in London for a few months, straight from school, I remember listening the night before, but no Radio Mi-Amigo the next morning, didn't think much about it, as it wasn't exactly unusual for the transmitter to go off.
At lunchtime only the first edition of the Evening Standard had arrived at the newspaper stand, I was gutted to see the news. Spent most of the afternoon talking about it with others in the office, you could easily avoid doing any work and wander around the office chatting to different people, as long as you had a file in hand, the manager wouldn't ask what you were doing.
I popped down later to grab a copy of the Evening News, and had to buy the Standard again as an updated edition had arrived with the photo of the mast sticking out of the sea, and more details in the article. Then finally on the way home I had to buy another edition at Victoria station, which had the very clever 'Adios Amigo' headline.
Next morning all the nationals had it on their front pages, except I think the FT, so I ended-up buying them all - an expensive 24 hours for a 17 year old.
Thanks to Freddie for sharing those recordings.