But I have never heard of Ruud’s information from Nico Steenbergen that half power was used when there was too much salt spray or salty water in storms, and I am not sure reducing from 35 to 17 kilowatts would make that much difference.
If I'm well informed during rough conditions the RCA BTA 10J -10kW- back-up transmitter (former radio390) was used.
RNI went off the air during the 2-3 April 1973 storm-surge due to water forced down from the forward deck hatch on to the switch-board in the lobby, two floors down, between the two studios.
Indeed, it was while Marc van Amstel was reading the 5pm news when the water flooded the switch-board.
My article on this is in Offshore Echoes number 47, April 1983.
Is the article still available somewhere, Ian?
Regards; John