RD says it is because the 60s market is stronger 'op norff' and going to aim their output across Liverpool.
Hello all,
I almost hesitate to use the above subject word as all one has to do is blink to cause a ferocious threat of litigation.
So I can only say that the other board is running hot with the suggestion that the above station is
no longer on the Surrey/London DAB Mux. This seemingly confirmed by Rob Day with the usual spin that what is bad is actually very good.
That assumes that this is the real Rob Day as recently there were two Rob Day's with one calling the other an impostor and mentioning litigation. Again.
So I make no conclusion, just look and listen for yourselves.The station web site now lacks presenters Kevin Turner and Dave Asher. It was suggested that Kevin was taking a holiday but I don't know which Rob day stated that.
A personal view is that in the case of Kevin it could be a very long holiday.
Changing subjects, what do you chaps think of our new railway locomotive ??
Dave Martin
Legendary Free Radio Operator
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