Back at last! The return of my pirate radio uploads. My account is called Robs Radio Archive. There are somewhere in the region of 80-90 MP3s to upload. I'll aim to do it chronologically, 2 per day, time permitting. Starting with the offshore station. Then the dance pirates. It's great to be back!
There are currently 22 uploads of offshore stations from the 60s for streaming or download. He's cleaned up the audio of many of these, some are also available elsewhere without that having been done.
Rob did have an account on Mixcloud with many, or perhaps all of these, on there but closed due to, despite being a paid member, having some of them rejected due to their policy of IIRC not allowing three tracks from the same album or artist on an upload.
As many will know Rob was the author of Selling the Sixties, The Pirates and Pop Music Radio.