on 16/12/2024, 20:02:36, in reply to "Valcom V33070CL2 power handling capability"
819 was only used on the big tower for just over a week, the Valcom for a couple of days and the Diplexed T for just 10 months. How did the 3 antennas compare?
I always thought that 819 was a strange choice due to its closeness to Chiltern on 828 khz. I wonder if the planned power increase would have caused problems with BBC Hereford and Worcester who were also given 819 KHZ DURING 1989. Previous Message
For several months in 1988 a lot of hope was pinned on this wonder antenna which was going to enable the restoration of the 819 service from the Ross Revenge.
Reading the spec sheet for this antenna it's rated at just 2kw
How/Why did anyone think it was going to work with a 50 kilowatt transmitter ?