Link: RSL featuring Johnnie Walker
Just found this from the ‘96 RSL - the late Tom Lodge was running the show and initially had us calling ourselves Charlie T and Nicky C etc.
I’d forgotten I’d got this delightful conversion on tape. Previous Message
Nick C, One sentence, uttered by Johnnie, in the Autumn of 1967, said it all for me: "I always try to make my next show, better than my last show"
That says it all for me. I think Johnnie lived by that, & set a very good example (that not many other DJs follow sadly)
This was during his first anniversary show, after joining Caroline the previous year. Yes it's on AZanorak Previous Message
Absolutely Mike - I recall when interviewed in the 70s,
he mentioned his pleasure that Caroline ‘was still out there’. In the context of his career and the Marine offences Act (and Blackburn by comparison around this time claiming the station as ‘a shadow of its former self’ - which I took massive issue with), I respected and took solace from that. This week elsewhere someone claimed that post Marine Offences Act Caroline - and JW’s central role in it - was inspirational to them. I don’t doubt it, although it was before my time. What has struck me this week, was that what Johnnie did - notably on August 14 ‘67 - inspired me hugely as someone who didn’t find the station until 10 years later. his speech and the Bob Seeger song was a huge factor in my fascination with the station and radio generally.
As an aside, I think they each incarnation of the station has brought some great radio. Tony Allen in the 70s for one. It’s a bit like with music perhaps - some think a particular era was the best and can never be repeated, others are more open to the idea that it is a journey of discovery. Luckily Johnnie fell into the latter category and so does the station. Previous Message
One of the greatest, never forgot his pirate roots.
RIP Johnnie. Previous Message Previous Message
Sad to say that the death of Johnnie Walker has just been reported. RIP.
Message Thread | This response ↓ Johnnie Walker - Ted Finch 31/12/2024, 16:30:42
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