Norman Dunn's 'Hebburn and our Neighbours Forum'
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Rules! No Party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.
As an Election will be held on July 4th 2024 we are waivering our 'No Politics Rule aslong as Posts are Respectful and don't include exhortations to vote one way or another.Re: that bl**dy hurt
We had a house in Kielder for 6 years. I have never encountered anywhere worse in the uk for biting insects. The forestry commission supply jungle formula to its workers. This is supposed to be the best protection but the forestry workers told me that it was useless once you began sweating The only effective protection was covering the body and wearing a net over the head. They all agreed that the worst of the biting insects was the Cleg which is often mistaken for a horse fly so you may have been a victim of one Brian.
Rules! No party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.