Norman Dunn's 'Hebburn and our Neighbours Forum'
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Rules! No Party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.
As an Election will be held on July 4th 2024 we are waivering our 'No Politics Rule aslong as Posts are Respectful and don't include exhortations to vote one way or another.Re: A look into Hebburn from an aircraft in 1937
The house on the corner of St Johns Ave fell into a bad state of disrepair and became a bit of an eyesore as the elderly gentleman who lived there simply could not keep on top of it. About 14 years ago the new owner started work to repair the house to it's former glory and what a great job he made of it, with the gardens especially looking marvelous all year round....must have cost him though.
Rules! No party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.