Norman Dunn's 'Hebburn and our Neighbours Forum'
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Rules! No Party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.
As an Election will be held on July 4th 2024 we are waivering our 'No Politics Rule aslong as Posts are Respectful and don't include exhortations to vote one way or another.Re: Thanks Ricky partly solve the problem for Allan
Towers are not much seen now although you still can get them. But I suggest you try an "all in one" which take up little desk space. For two years I have had a Dell Inspiron 5410 24" screen which I am very pleased with. I added a disc player and a 1T back up disc. Frankly I have hardly used the disc player, tech has moved on, but it is there jic. All my music was transferred some years ago to the hard disc and for new stuff I go to Spotify.
Rules! No party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.