Norman Dunn's 'Hebburn and our Neighbours Forum'
[ Post a Response | Norman Dunn's 'Hebburn and our Neighbours Forum' ]
Rules! No Party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.
As an Election will be held on July 4th 2024 we are waivering our 'No Politics Rule aslong as Posts are Respectful and don't include exhortations to vote one way or another.Re: This board has changed so much.
Sad to hear your unhappiness with regards to the Board and I can fully understand where you are coming from. I look forward to reading the various comments and seeing the wonderful old historical photographs every day, bringing back many memories as well as making me aware of many historical facts about our region, long May it continue.
Rules! No party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.