Could a relative of your be in it ? I hope so.
The Photo was probably taken at Hexham.
So will have been with the above Battery.
The photo of him on his horse taken at Bull Buddon Camp, Near Carnoustie.
I assume that as a trainer Gunner he would have been doing the same in WW1. Maybe that's how he survived the war.
The photo is from him to his brother Allan my Grandfather. I think he may well have been near the Somme battle field but there are post card of Ypres so he may have gone back there in later years.
Note the postcard gives the Field Post office number. Not been able to find where that was at that date.
I have been unable to find his WW1 service record.
He is on the Plaque is St. Andrews Church as was.
Any help would be appreciated. Allan C.
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