Norman Dunn's 'Hebburn and our Neighbours Forum'
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Rules! No Party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.
As an Election will be held on July 4th 2024 we are waivering our 'No Politics Rule aslong as Posts are Respectful and don't include exhortations to vote one way or another.Re: Leslie’s ship yard what is happening to it?
Yes Mac - I am ok for my age (75) according to the doctor. Myself, Ernie Thirlwell and Quentin Scammell were forever bothering the electrician liner offs in their room for good paying jobs on piece work - bellmouth ducts three shillings and sixpence each! Other names I remember from then Les Stevenson, Dennis Corkin, Blackwood, Halliwell.
Rules! No party Politics,swearing,derogatory remarks or we delete. Anyone sharing our content on Face Book must credit 'Hebburn and our Neighbours'.