There could be a problem with your bowel due to the medication in the you may not be as regular as you were.
It will vary person to person and levels of medication, talking side effects.
The medication may affect your joints and you will be on blood thinners so be careful of knocks, falls etc.
I go out solo but now have a tracker on my phone that Ann and my daughter can follow me wherever. It’s Life360 set up by my daughter. Do carry your emergency card and info. Etc.
All very important until you get sorted in say 12 months.
I found that I disliked certain beers and food and it could change month to month. Still a bit picky even now but not so bad as it used to be.
Remember not to push it cycling wise etc. gradual working towards next summer trips.
Only you can look after yourself, heed your body, any info from others helpful but you need to listen to your body and act accordingly.
Here’s to a complete recovery. Allan C.
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