In WW2, Reyrolle's created a Local Defence Unit - L.D.U, commonly known as the Home Guard to protect the works from possible saboteurs Over 300 employees were recruited and they shared five rifles. They recognised the need for speed so had a platoon of cyclists, complete with puncture outfits. This was initially considered as something of a curiosity, but like metal clad switchgear was soon widely copied. In spite of this "saboteurs" did penetrate the Company's defences in 1944, when two plain-clothes police sergeants entered the West Gate under false pretences, and exposed the poor security so an internal inquiry was held and reprimands followed.
One contract they had from the Government was large so they had to ask Pelaw Co-op if they could offer space. Hence why Reyrolles used the CWS premises in Pelaw.
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