Becoming an expensive hobby now Allan, the type of car required for towing caravans and the likes is becoming far to expensive for the average Joe and Family. Even the Gov't don't know what to do, but one thing is certain, motoring is costing far to much for pleasure only. and that goes for camper vans also, previous UK Govt's have milked owning a car for too many years and years now, I have not bought petrol or diesel since May of this year when I bought a Toyota Hybrid. I read that Tax revenue on fuels has dipped in resent years. Example, My Daughter has just bought her top of the range brand new Chvroltte Groove Primer car in Dubia at a stagering £12,000, (Not sold UK) petrol is only 25p a litre with no road tax and 5 years free services and 5 years free assist. Rip off Britten!