To hear from the usual Express/Mail/Telegraph/Reform Party followers is simply a delight. They fall hook, line and sinker for every little pearl of nonsense defecated by these propaganda organs of the rich and powerful. I used to wonder how millions of otherwise intelligent, educated and decent people in Germany could have fallen for the rantings of Adolph and his crew. We couldn't be so stupid! What? Our once-great companies and services are now in the hands of our competitors. Foreign governments and financiers now control our energy, steel, nuclear facilities, car-plants, etc. etc. Which governments encouraged that?
"To put the record straight Despite leading with a front page linking the overseas budget to Labour, the Express admit further down in the article that most of the funds were signed off prior to July 2024, when Labour came into power.
Imagine the shock for the Daily Express when it finds out that almost all of the aid grants that make up the £500m total quoted were given by Conservative governments
— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) November 23, 2024"