The black and white photograph in your post showing a ward within that infirmary is exactly as I remember it , starched bed linen ,highly polished floors.The nurses ,bless them, are also starched up prim and proper. Way back ,probably, 1934/5 when my tonsils were removed.
The bed in the bottom right hand corner is without a doubt the bed I ocdcupied after the operation. That bed cradled me in it's caring comfort also ,supporting this wee lad when me and my ma and pa where given the news that I would not be discharged that day . because of some complication.I shed. buckets of tears,unconsolble, sitting uo in that bed, sobbing as other ma's and pa's picked up and packed up their wee lads, don't remember if there were any wee lasses involved( probably not in those days, never the twain shall meet).
If it were only possible I would be extremely excited to have an enlarged copy of that photograph. Fingers crossed ?
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