By Monday a full blown cold. Cancelled a trips out for lunch on Tuesday.
Wednesday a full on cold but worse, it got so bad I could hardly climb the stairs to bed plus coughing repeatedly and just could not get a decent Kip. Streaming runny nose as well.
Added to that I can’t read a book or use the iPad for very long 10 mins max and also don’t want the lights on.
Only slightly better to write this. The coughing now a bit easier thank goodness but bad.
I was due to have 2 meetings on Thursday and also a visitor all cancelled.
We missed the Flu jab COVID booster last month as away.
I recon that it will take until early next week to get clear of it, hopefully.
I have used 10 Lemsip sachets and a toilet roll or two. Throat pastels handy.
Off my food and that is very very rare indeed.
I have never been so ill for years.
Be prepared folks get stocks in!
Allan C.
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