It was 1984 before was bought our first caravan so that I could take the family when I went diving. There had not been much improvement in the construction or design in between.
Modern caravans are not different to a small house and there are types to suit everyone.
We are now onto our I think 7 th. Caravan which will be our last as probably have to give up towing in 5 years.
The only problem is that in the last two years the cost of buying a new one risen dramatically. Something like £5,000 upwards
Dad’s sister just could not get her head around us using a caravan even up to 2010. We had better facilities in our caravan than she had in her house. Mind she never saw our caravans her knowledge of caravans could have gone back to the 40/50’s.
A lot of people buying camper vans or Motorhomes then the prices go through the ceiling, starters £65,000 for a transit van type thing.
Allan C.
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