Re: Grey Street
Image 01 Recent. Image 02 c!880s Image 03 c1970s I remember cars angle-parking down the centre of the street in the 1950s Today the buildings continue to be classical but have changed their function. Surely better than being derelict. For many years, the building on the left corner of Grey St and Mosley St (going downhill) was unused and in a bad way. It was a restaurant last time I was there. It had been renovated with care and served good food. High up on the roof among the chimmney pots was a painted sign on the brickwork. Apparently it had been a similar business many many years ago. Now called The House it was a pleasant place. Across the road at the top of Dean St. is another restaurant where the splendid tiled deco was worth the visit. The food was nothing special. Grey St is still a wonderful place. Just lacks people which is worrying. 