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John King’s daft Geordie Jokes
Posted by Mac Hardy on 1/8/2024, 19:26:48
A tramp stopped Geordie in the street and asked for some money. Geordie says “ Ah Divent knaa about that Bonny lad, will you spent it on drink.” The tramp shakes his head, “Will ye waste it on gambling.”, asks Geordie, The tramp shakes his head, “Whey man , come hype with m” says Geordie, “Why?” asks the tramp, Geordie replies “ Cos ah want wor lass te meet the kind of gadget who dissent drink or gamble”.
Charlie asks Geordie what he had bought his wife for Christmas. “Ah Bev nowt nor a belt and a bag” Geordie said. “That’s kind of yer” says Charlie “Ah hope she appreciates the kind thought”, Geordie smiled and said “So div ah, and hopefully the vacuum cleaner will work better now”.
Geordie and his mate were talking about Christmas and Geordie says to his mate" wor lass wants an animal skin coat". His mate says" What have you bought her "? Geordie replied " a donkey jacket"!