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bad boy gets worse
Posted by Mcallister on 10/8/2024, 8:11:07
Microsoft is what I mean! A tech savvy pal of mine recently got a new desktop computer that came with Win 11 preinstalled. to use it he had to log in and open Account giving all his details but then he found out that Microsoft would collect ALL HIS DATA and send off to themselves. Any web pages, all his photographs and e mails sent and received all stored on there server..After much trouble he was able to re format the drive and install a version of LINUX which he has used for years..I have an APPLE so have never had a use for Win11 or any other opp be warned..
Re: bad boy gets worse. Interesting
Posted by Allan Campbell on 10/8/2024, 9:29:49, in reply to "bad boy gets worse"
I am probably going to update my old PC and use their 365 software.
I assume that this collecting of information is not new so they will have all my info. From over the last 30 odd years.
I agree I don’t like it.
By just using Apple products I doubt that there is any difference, they can or maybe do collect the same info.
Is Linux any different?
Once you go onto the internet your info. is open to everybody if they want to look at it. We all can be hacked.
If Microsoft collect my info. or data it’s a bit matter less, there’s nowt that’s of any use to them other than maybe which type of stuff I’m buying etc. or my interests.
These days you cannot hide anything if you go onto the internet and the worst part is all banking has to be on the internet these days and that’s a big worry.
The simple answer don’t use the Internet , but you cannot do that there is now no other choice.
Having used Microsoft Office software since it started I’ve no other choice. Used it for work since the year dot.
The vast majority of companies use it so anything you send to them Microsoft gets I assume.
One question, has my file with all my family photographs been taken by Microsoft plus all my document files on Family History also been taken, All without my knowledge.
Is your friend crying Wolf and should we be bothered. I know that My Data is collected by various companies.
Scotlandspeople website has my research info since it opened 20 odd years ago. That also applies to both my e mail accounts plus whatever other companies I connect to.
Can the board computer experts comment on this please.!
Can Microsoft be prevented from collecting our info and how to do that ??
the version I am talking about has the spywhere built into it so the user cannot turn it off nor delete it and they make it hard for the user to use any other opp system.
Like which version is it type of thing or is it all in the up dates that keep coming in.
I just accepted the updates without questioning them. Do not have the knowledge to even think about them, they could hide stuff within various upgrades for all I know.
We are now talking about a lack of trust on Microsoft operations.
Hi Colin, Allan is probably right in saying that Mac's do excatly the same as Microsoft in collecting your data. The big snooper these days are the Cookies.