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A bit of Family History
Posted by Allan Campbell on 26/11/2024, 12:46 pm
Clearing up bits of FH paperwork I came across a marriage document for my G G Grandfather John Snowdon in May 1839 at a Church very close to Durham Cathedral.
On this Document it says that he was from Pitlochrie ,( Pitlochry) Perthshire.
I know from the 1841 Census that he was a manservant then later a waiter in 1861Census.
I know from Census that he was born in Warwick, Cumberland in about 1818 ish.
His wife was born in Durham City and they lived there for a few years before moving to the Wallsend area.
So somehow he got to work for gentry and was up in Pitlochry in 1839 and I assume came down to marry in Durham City.
He must have been in Pitlochry for a while for that info. to be given on the Marr. Cert.
He could have been up in Pitlochry for the Grouse shooting in 1838 and did not get back until 1939.
I doubt that I will ever find to who he was a manservant, someone in the Cathedral or connected with it maybe Trade wise.
Say man who supplied venison or birds for the Cathedral?
To get between Durham and Pitlochry difficult as the railway not built until 1860.
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were in that area in 1841 so the roads may well have been reasonable.
How did he court his future wife? He must have been based in Durham to do that.
Regretfully I doubt that I will be able to find out what happened but I do like the puzzles that Family History throws up.
I have hundreds of BMD’s from Scotland and the info they give can be very revealing and shocking sometimes.
One one for an illegitimate child so that people Would Know.
Daughter of an asylum attendant ! Mind to pin the chap down you would have a job unless you did a bit of lateral thinking and understood what you had previously researched.
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