Brown Sugar Brine:
3 cups packed light brown sugar (about 1-1/4 pounds)
1-1/2 cups Dijon mustard
1/2 cup table salt
2 tablespoons cayenne pepper
2 gallons icy cold water
1 bunch fresh thyme
1 head fresh garlic, separated into cloves and crushed
1 (10-12 Pound) WHOLE TURKEY, fresh or thawed if frozen
1. In a large stockpot or food-safe container, whisk brown sugar with mustard, salt and cayenne.
Gradually whisk in the cold water, thyme and garlic.
2. Remove giblets and neck from the turkey. If present, remove and discard plastic leg holder and pop-up timer from the turkey. Cut off the wing tips and plump little tail.
3. Add the turkey to the cold sugar brine. Cover and brine in the refrigerator overnight, making sure the turkey is kept at a temperature of below 40°F.
3 Gallons high smoke point oil (see NOTE at end of recipe)
1. Place the OUTDOOR gas burner on a level dirt or grassy area. Never fry a turkey indoors, in a garage or in any structure attached to a building. Do not fry on wood decks, which could catch fire, or concrete, which could be stained by the oil. (Safety tip: have a fire extinguisher nearby for added safety.)
2. Preheat oil to 400°F. Depending on the amount of oil, outside temperature and wind conditions, this should take about 40+ minutes.
3. Meanwhile, remove turkey from the brine and discard brine mixture. Rinse turkey well with cold water; drain cavity. Dry turkey well with paper towels. Take care to dry both inside cavities. To allow for good oil circulation throughout the cavity, do not truss or tie legs together.
4. Place turkey, breast side up, in basket.
Slowly lower basket into hot oil; be cautious of splattering oil. The level of the oil will rise due to the frothing caused by the moisture from the turkey but will stabilize in about one minute. (Safety tips: to prevent burns from the splattering oil wear oven mitts/gloves, long sleeves, heavy shoes and even glasses. It is wise to have two people lowering and raising the turkey.)
5. Stay with the cooker at all times as the heat must be regulated to maintain 350°F. If the temperature drops to 340°F or below, oil will begin to seep into the turkey.
6. Fry turkey 3-1/2 minutes per pound.
7. Remove turkey from oil to check doneness.
Insert an instant-read thermometer in the meaty part of the thigh; it is done when it reads 170-175°F. Carefully remove the turkey from the hot oil and drain on paper towels. Let rest 15 minutes.
8. NOTES: Use only oils with high smoke points, such as peanut, canola or safflower oil. To determine the correct amount of oil, place the turkey in the pot before adding seasoning and add water until turkey is covered. Take turkey out of the water before marking the oil level. Measure the amount of water and use a corresponding amount of oil. Dry the pot thoroughly of all water.
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