cherry tomatoes
olive oil
Halve cherry tomatoes, enough to cover the bottom of a large roasting pan. Toss tomato halves and several cloves of unpeeled garlic (at least 6) with enough olive oil to make tomatoes glisten.
Place tomatoes, cut side up, and garlic into large roasting pan and bake in slow oven, 250°F, for about 2 hours. Tomatoes should be caving in, but not completely mushy. Amount of time doesn’t matter too much as long as they have dried out enough to concentrate the tomato flavor.
When tomatoes are done, set aside and put 1 pound spaghetti on to boil. Angel hair is good, but any pasta would work.
Heat a good amount of olive oil in skillet, enough to coat pasta when it’s done, about one half cup. Sauté a few more freshly chopped cloves of garlic and then add the roasted garlic (peeled and mashed). Don’t let garlic burn.
When pasta is ready, remove a cup of pasta water from pot. Drain pasta well. Throw the pasta into the hot oil and toss. If it sticks together, add pasta water (about 1/2 cup, if needed), enough so the pasta separates.
At this point, add a handful of chopped basil, some chopped parsley, and some grated Parmesan cheese and toss well. Gently fold the tomatoes and any drippings from the pan into the pasta.
Sorry that amounts aren't precise. I think this recipe is so simple that you should add ingredients in amounts to suit your taste. I have tried adding cubed mozzarella, which didn't add to the dish at all. I think Kalamata olives would be good in this, also.
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