Gracious and loving God,
You are our refuge and our strength in times of trouble and crisis. We ask that your continued guidance, direction, and mercy be upon the people, the first responders, and those who have died from the devastating fires that continue to rage across the Los Angeles area.
Have mercy on the lands and the people where fires have destroyed the lives, lifestyles, and livelihoods of those in the eye of this storm. Protect those who have evacuated their homes and offer them your peace which surpasses all understanding.
God of love, keep us from calling this horrific disaster, your justice, for we know and understand that your love and compassion are beyond human comprehension, and that you desire no retribution for your creation. We pray for the victims who have been killed in these wildfires, and for their families; we ask that you pour out your healing balm upon their surviving parents, siblings, relatives, and friends to offer them hope, strength and courage in these times of crisis.
God of love, we give you thanks for the fire fighters and the first responders who are working diligently for the betterment of humanity in California. Strengthen and rebuild the communities facing this devastation.
God of love, allow us to be hands and feet of Christ, even in some small way, for the victims of this tragedy.
Help us all, in good times and in distress, to trust in your mercy and to yield to your power. May we face the future with all of its challenges, difficulties, and crises, without fear. Amen.
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