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    An Indiana appellate court today upheld a religious right to abortion. Archived Message

    Posted by larue33 on April 4, 2024, 17:34:26

    “If a corporation can engage in a religious exercise by refusing to provide abortifacients — contraceptives that essentially abort a pregnancy after fertilization — it stands to reason that a pregnant person can engage in a religious exercise by pursuing an abortion,” wrote Judge Leanna Weissmann for the Court of Appeals of Indiana.
    In his concurrence, Judge Mark Bailey was even more explicit about how Indiana lawmakers have favored the conservative Christian viewpoint on abortion in their post-Dobbs legislation...
    “Legislators, an overwhelming majority of whom have not experienced childbirth, nevertheless dictate that virtually all pregnancies in this State must proceed to birth notwithstanding the onerous burden upon women and girls,” he wrote. “They have done so not based upon science or viability but upon a blanket assertion that they are the protectors of ‘life’ from the moment of conception.”

    “The least that can be expected is that the remaining Hoosiers of child bearing ability will be given the opportunity to act in accordance with their own consciences and religious creeds,” he concluded.


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