JS resin ( like new) Lady Grace - orig outfit, stand,box , newer wigcap—$369
sybarite dolls- Domina, nude-$495
Nib Galore with orig silver glitter/ lavender gown-xtra red swimsuit and stockings, red and gold shoes , stand, orig box-$525
Foill in orig outfit, earrings, shoes, stand, box-$349
$20 shipping for each above
also for sale- mib 12” mizi doll
multi jointed Barbie ( camel coat)
retro 1960s mib Barbie
pale blue/ silver gown and cape Barbie -orig box
lavendar lace gown silkstone Bsrbie
16” urban Vita( rodeo drive) nude
16” Tonner Nude doll/ auburn hair
bundle of 12” doll dresses, gowns, accessories
gene doll stands- 4 for $35 free shipping
check/ mo please
email me for photos, prices at poughkeepsie54@aol.com
thx- bonnie.
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