Posted by on 7/31/2023, 8:11 am, in reply to "WTB- Hollywood Canteen Violet ( orange ) or East Meets West Gene. Birthday soon>" emw16” JS resin gene - nude/bald in js box( may not be orig)-with stand-briefly displayed-$795 and $18 ship/insur ck/ mo only bonnie/Fl Message Thread WTB- Hollywood Canteen Violet ( orange ) or East Meets West Gene. Birthday soon> - Sandra in Ohio 7/30/2023, 8:11 pm STILL LOOKING......(GRIN)....Anyone tired of their HC Violet ? I am such a pest. LOL - Sandra in Ohio 7/31/2023, 9:33 am Re: WTB- Hollywood Canteen Violet ( orange ) or East Meets West Gene. Birthday soon> - 7/31/2023, 8:11 am Very tempting....was hoping for doll and outfit, I will email you. - Sandra in Ohio 7/31/2023, 9:08 am here is my fingers crossed - Sandra in Ohio 7/30/2023, 8:22 pm « Back to index
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