gene set mib”Park Ave Prowl”-doll, 3 outfits, heels, jewerly, stand, large box/. $549 and $20 shipping
12” mib east 59th doll”pink mist” -pink outfit with xtra pink glove hands-$95 and $10 shipping
12” lovetones doll- auburn hair, blue eyeshadow- comes with 3 ooak outfits, no orig box—-$225 and $10
Sybarite doll Foill and sybarite Galore dolls available
( ask for pics/ orices)
JS-resin 16” Lady Grace doll, complete, like new - with updated wigcap, access, stand, box-$339 and $15 shipping
black pidgin doll with white lace minidress, heels, wig, orig box with certif-$215 and $20 shipping
ficon resin doll “lady F”- $195 and $15 shipping. no orig box
Barbies—- golden jubilee with orig box-$98 and$14 shipping
silver jubilee with orig box - $98 and $14 shipping
mib retro 1960s remake - suburban shopper barbie $55 Free Shipping
email me for pics- poughkeepsie54@ aol . com
CHECKS or MO. please
thx, bonnie
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