also available- sybarite “Galore” and “Foill” both in orig outfits, stands,boxes: Galore$375 & $15 s/h. Foill $275 & $18 s/h
gene doll”Fit for a Queen” with xtra outfit/heels, stand,box -$159 & $14 shipping
Tonna doll “Sensual” antionette doll in rose pink/ blk gown with rhinestone brooch, stand, box $150 & $12 shipping
Ficon resin doll Lady F -$150 and $15 shipping( nude with orig hardcap removable wigcap)
Ideal Co 1960s Tammy with 14 orig outfits and dollcase all in very good condition $ 179
& free shipping
12” lovetones auburn doll- nude $150 and free shipping
barbie nib set “juicy couture” $100 and $13 shipping
Gold Jubilee barbie,stand,box $76 ,free shipping
Silver jubilee barbie with stand,box. $76 , free shipping
“monet flowers” barbie mib. $38 , free shipping
email me at. poughkeepsie for photos
ck/ mo please
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