Why the super good price 0f 450.00 shipped in the US?
Retro Glam Christine is available now on the Jamieshow website for 495.00 and I need to sell mine - bad timing on my part, but it could be your good fortune :-)
She's complete but I have taken her out of her box to inspect her.
I'm sorry I'm not able to ship internationally, but am glad to ship to a US shipping buddy.
Please email me at anne@annechoi.com to purchase - don't message me, as I won't see it. IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE: Emails (NOT MESSAGES) will be answered in the order received. FIRST EMAIL WITH DEFINITE COMMITMENT TO BUY TAKES HER. For example, “I want to buy” wins out over “I’m interested” or “Is it available?”
Please DO NOT commit to buy if you are not able to pay. PayPal only - my address is anne@annechoi.com
Three pictures here - in her box (she comes with original box and shipper) and she has the super tight head cap, but I've taken it on and off a couple times, and wigs fit her very well, a close up of her face, and a picture of the gift wig.
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