Posted by dcal on 12/19/2024, 10:24 pm, in reply to "FS Jamieshow 12” Muse ASTRID LaVacanza Spa Doll New $515 USA Shipped" I have other dolls coming up as well Message Thread FS Jamieshow 12” Muse ASTRID LaVacanza Spa Doll New $515 USA Shipped - dcal 12/19/2024, 10:22 pm ASTRID IS GOING TO A NEW HOME. SHE IS SOLD. LEE IS STILL AVAILABLE INFO DOWN A FEW POSTS. - dcal 12/29/2024, 9:29 pm Sorry I tried to post down with the Jamieshow Lee doll below but it wouldn't let me. - dcal 12/19/2024, 10:24 pm « Back to index
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