Thanks for setting up this board. I have been lucky in being able to convince my Shaddock - Shaddick - Parrish cousins to DNA test. It has allowed me to develop a phylogenetic tree (attached) of our ancestry which supplements genealogical research. DNA testing is particularly useful because it can bridge the gap where there is no paper trail. And it finds how the tree of our family branched, and from where, going all the way back to ca. 1275 AD. to the common ancestor of all Shattockes and our genetic cousins the Parrishs. The attached phylogenetic tree, which is constructed with STR data and some SNP data had our north Devon Shattocke branch recently validated by Big Y SNP testing. Right now I am trying to find a male who is descended from the Shattocks (note the spelling variation) to participate in our DNA research.

If you are a male Shattock descendant I would love to hear from you through the contact page on Here is the link to the tree: