Maybe it is as simple as when fleeing France, Empress Eugenie just grabbed the nearest empty box and threw in some of her jewels and escaped, it is quite an interesting mystery.
I was a bit surprised at how relatively low the estimate for this necklace is, I think Empress Eugenie and Napoleon III aren't maybe as iconic historical figures as Napoleon and Josephine were. I also suspect the quality of the stones are not as good as many of the crown jewels that were auctioned.
A nice piece of jewellry which was probably a private jewel of Empresse Eugenie but certainly not part of the "Diamonds of the Crown" which were State property and sold in 1887.
The ruby necklace comes in a box with the title "Diamonds of the crown."
The necklace was shown at the Biennale des Antiquaires in 2016 -
You can see the jewel in full at page 130 of the attached PDF
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