So, I think it referred to a gold mesh bracelet.
I find this other photo of Princess Astrid wearing maybe the same bracelet (we can se its back side with no stone)
It has a mesh design.
The bracelet was on view, but I can’t find a sketch.
The gold bracelet, set with jewels, purchased at a cost of £500 by the Ladies of Hampshire as a present for the Princess of Wales, has been on view at the Guildhall during the week. It is of a very substantial, not to say heavy, pattern (which is styled mail), the face being ornamented with rubies and diamonds, set in the form of the County rose, the central ornament being the celebrated Wykeham Cross, the fact of Wykeham ever having any peculiar badge of that kind being, till this bracelet was made.
Hampshire Advertiser, 27 June 1863.

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Congratulations!! I think you are right Knightship. Well spotted!
It fits the description in many, many ways. I wish we could get a photo with higher resolution. But the central ruby with the 4 diamonds and the supporting roses all seem to be in the bracelet worn by Princess Astrid. I wonder what was meant by a "mail pattern band" Does anyone know?
What a wonderful end to my day!!