One of my drives I was using for wideband files sat down on me the other day. 500g seagate, from an old sky box in a USB cradle, and it is reading size ok, but file system ntfs is not showing. All it says is raw. The data I am sure is still there..... So long as I dont format it, which I assume looks possible....
I am sure I used hard disk tools in the past to recover the partition..... rather than allowing a trial of disk drill or Easus to find the files (correctly I add) and then ask for 80 quid for the pro versions.
Anyone used this kind of rescue software in the past. And what is a good piece of rescue kit these days... I feel sure I had something like this years ago, but just cant lay my hands on it.....
A paragon rescue disk had an option to recover partition, but not sure if that meant formatting, so not tried it....
Recuva couldnt access the drive.....
maybe after a format recuva could find the files, but thats a last resort...
Dave, for example, any ideas??
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