You ought to disassociate yourself from him then, as he is totally wrong. I always sign off my work as invariably I'm proud of it. My first scribblings were for Script Magazine in 1973 and many other publications since.
It's rare for me to express an opinion, thanks to basic journalistic training and years of running pubs. Had you read my work, you'd find it mostly collates and quotes others, bible-style, or is an explanation of facts.
Supposition and guesswork is not necessary - the wacky world of wireless has plenty of truth already without it being peppered with sensationalistic clap-trap. I leave that to the fool in Falkirk. (is he still ranting?)
Andrew Holmes disgracefully commented:
Our'investigative journalist' acquaintance has drawn on all his powers to suggest that the prime suspect as the originator of the website is Paul Rusling. About par the course in his customary 2+2= a shock revelation without any evidence.
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