Medium Wave Circle article:
"Wet weather does indeed have an effect on
ground conductivity. In the past measurements have been made over a 50km path from a London mf tx site, and the field strength of the received signal, measured at the same location, has been more than 2 db uV greater during wet weather conditions". That was following observations by three MWC members of groundwave reception during wet weather of some UK stations.
Could be a mix of skywave and groundwave for longer periods of time during the winter months causing fading and affecting the audio as they arrive at slightly different times? Previous Message
Yes , Weather conditions can also affect reception on the edge of the coverage area. I remember listening to Atlantic 252 during the 90's and reception was brilliant during the hot summer months , but hit and miss during the wet winter months.
Same with 558 when they first diplexed the T antenna in 1988. Previous Message
No. 648 is on normal power and normal signal strength on the edge of it's coverage area where I am. You will be suffering from signal cancellation between the ground wave and sky wave as the sky wave can persist to some degree into the daytime this time of the year when the days are shortest.
Message Thread Reception - Stephen Sullivan 15/12/2024, 12:58:18
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