on 24/12/2024, 20:10:52, in reply to "Re: Consultation: Request from talkSPORT to reduce its AM coverage "
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Thanks for that Mike, that has actually solved another mystery, we were looking to move into Lydd a few years back, and one of the houses we looked at on Harden Road backs onto that field, I could see that tower in the middle of it and wondered what it was for, my first thought it was a tower farmers sometimes use to boost their two way radio signals. The front of the house faced the cemetery, which put the misses off so blew that one out, mind you it was dead quiet around there! Previous Message
Link to map showing where it is and photos here.
https://tx.mb21.co.uk/gallery/gallerypage.php?txid=1539 Previous Message
Just out of interest, whereabouts is the TS transmitter site located in Lydd? I know the area quite well but was never aware of a TX site for TS? I knew about 1278khz (Gurkha radio) from Folkstone a few miles down the road, but nothing about the TS site.
Dave Martin
Legendary Free Radio Operator
Message Thread Consultation: Request from talkSPORT to reduce its AM coverage - Dave Martin 2/12/2024, 12:36:26
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