I cannot dislike the man you mention as unlike the deranged outpourings of Garry in his many guises and the nonsense posted by David LW ( ditto as for Garry ) there is no harm in the other chap.
But he has my office number and sometime calls and puts scenarios to me. I should just stick to ' no comment ' but that is rude, so the conversations go a bit like this :
Chap. So Peter have you considered more power for 648 ?
Me. I think we are ahead of you in wishing for that.
Chap. So how much power would you like, maybe 20KW ?
Me. It is always good to seek more power than you think you will be granted and then you may get the power you actually want.
Chap. So 20 KW would be good then ?
Me. Well yes, but then 10KW would also be good.
Chap. So I guess you want that for Easter maybe ?
Me. Well, Easter is a significant date for Caroline.
As Simon and Garfunkel famously sang ' a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. I think that I have swerved the question but our man thinks 20K by Easter.
I find it better to do things and then announce them than to announce things and not do them.
Caroline's unofficial spokesman is constantly writing, not just on the nutter forum, that an increase in power has already been applied for and it could happen over Easter.
Set the record straight please Mr Moore.
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