Some utter nut job on the other forum posted that he was using the Freedom Of Information Act to force the D.T.I to release details of supposedly secret contracts I had signed in 1992 and 1994 and somehow linking this to Ofcom. Seemingly this was too bonkers even for that board and the post was removed.
Removed also was a flurry of comment about Atlantis, maybe because of the usual and tiresomely predictable veiled threat of litigation.
And now, as if such is possible, I want to defend Neal Gates against comments being made by the congenitally stupid.
So look, Ross Revenge was probably never 'seaworthy 'in all her Caroline career, though she had to be reasonably sound to be allowed to leave Santander under tow. But as with all radio ships, her main machinery was of secondary importance as opposed to the broadcast generators, transmitters and studio gear.
After the raid, many people went on board as they would be able to be ' on the radio ' when such opportunity would never have been offered before and they accepted the ever deteriorating living conditions in return for a little bit of stardom.
After the fuel ran out, those who still went on board were those who had nothing on land or those who genuinely believed/hoped that broadcasts would re-start. Due to lack of money and boats, conditons deteriorated to an awful degree. One person commented that Ronan's money had run out but it was more the case that he had money but offered none.
Another person suggested that had lives been lost Ronan would have been deemed liable. But this is not so. I would have been liable as I persuaded/allowed persons to be on board. Ronan took enormous care not to specifically ask anyone to go out there.
As for ' seaworthy ' Neal will accept that the steering had failed and that he and his colleagues had no idea how to start the main engine and that there was no fuel even if they had that ability. Nobody had any marine qualifications at all.
I think that Neal will accept that when he says that Revenge was seaworthy this is part bravado and that unlike Mi Amigo which was by 1980 paper thin, Revenge was not about to sink. Idiot comparisons between Revenge and Mi Amigo have no relevance.
Neal, Steve Conway and others were foolish idealists but who the anorak fraternity should admire and not insult. Had the ship gone back on air they would have been hailed as heroes.
If Neal is prepared to be honest he will say that shortly before the grounding, Ronan asked him and Conway to ensure the cleanliness of the main fuel tank (s) so as to stand by for a massive delivery of fuel followed by a resumption of broadcasts. It was pie in the sky of course, there never was any fuel.
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