ABOUT THIS PAGE - Please read before posting - Administration March 22, 2022, 7:56 am
 REDUCED FS Daily Threads and Dreamy - Gael 2/12/2025, 12:50 pm
 Adrian Costumes for Gene for Sale (Greene & Lam) - Gael 2/12/2025, 12:41 pm
 FS: Trying Something New: Adrian Fashion for Gene - Gael 2/10/2025, 1:14 pm
 Page update and new site open! - Lori in Denver 2/9/2025, 2:29 pm
 JAMIEshow Marlena, Audry & Veronika for sale - Anne in Port Angeles 2/7/2025, 5:03 pm
 WTT: my NRFB JamieShow Palm Springs convention Marsha Hunt for your Confetti Gene? - dollster 2/7/2025, 1:35 pm
 A few things for sale - Ohiostar 2/6/2025, 10:56 am
 From Madcap: Coffee Break - Lynne D 2/5/2025, 8:28 pm
 Retro table prop for sale - Lori in Denver 2/5/2025, 2:45 pm
 FS: Luminous Lavender Zita Hollywood Ahoy Centerpiece Doll - April in VA 2/3/2025, 3:14 pm
 FS :Jamieshow 16" Glam Lan nude doll- $399 + shipping - GeraldLopez 2/2/2025, 6:53 pm
 FS Jamieshow Alejandro nude doll- $325 + shipping - GeraldLopez 2/2/2025, 6:42 pm
 Dress for Sale - SuzanneMcD 1/31/2025, 12:43 pm
 For Sale: lots of great things , new items and reductions - Sandy in NY 1/31/2025, 12:23 pm
 Weekend sale! New Gene things especially - Lori in denver 1/31/2025, 6:29 am
 WTB: Brunette Updo Jamieshow Wig Cap - Ohiostar 1/30/2025, 8:18 pm
 WTB: Madra Lord Rio Rumba outfit or just dress please >>> - Don in SeaTac 1/30/2025, 4:30 pm
 WTB SSP Fashion Coral-Line - Karen in New Zealand 1/28/2025, 5:46 pm
 WTB: the brocade jacket from the SSP Peaches & Panache Grès Goddess Peachy outfit - Jim S 1/27/2025, 2:11 pm
 FS- 12” doll gown for muses,monogram,etc- pink/blk trim $38 free shipping - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/24/2025, 3:30 pm
 FS- poppy parker nude- blue hair,pink skintone, no orig box $70 free shipping - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/24/2025, 3:22 pm
 FS: Integrity, AD, DAE - Ohiostar 1/22/2025, 10:55 am
 FS- Ficon ooak repaint nude/bald “doma” $225 - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/21/2025, 10:26 pm
 FS: Many items, Sybarite, Kingdom Doll, SSP - Sandy in NY 1/21/2025, 9:51 am

 Sales update - Lori smith 1/19/2025, 1:52 pm
 WTB: aquatalis doll - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/18/2025, 1:51 pm
 FS/reduced— Gene, Tonner,Barbie,FR/Monogram Tammy dolls - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/18/2025, 11:12 am
 FS-syb innoqui bride doll 15” -porcelain ,stand. $200 and $16 shipping - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/16/2025, 8:37 am
 FS-Gene “doing her part” in orig outfit, brunette gene with twisted braid - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/14/2025, 9:17 am
 FS-FR/Monogram doll nrfb $55 & $11 shipping - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/13/2025, 4:41 pm
 FS- Ficon doll “ miss g in white” - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/12/2025, 2:53 pm
 FS-sybarite,Mizi,FR/Monogram,Juicy couture barbie set(2dolls) - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 1/12/2025, 1:32 pm
 FS: Daily Threads & Trent Dreamy - Gael 1/12/2025, 10:38 am
 Check out pats gene update -some great grails - Lori in Denver 1/8/2025, 8:52 pm
 Before they hit e-Bay - two Gene outfits, one SSP and one Integrity - Ohiostar 12/31/2024, 10:31 am
 For Sale: many items reduced! - Sandy in NY 12/28/2024, 1:26 pm
 Check out sales! Put that Christmas money to use lol - Lori in Denver 12/27/2024, 2:21 pm
 FS Jamieshow 12” Muse ASTRID LaVacanza Spa Doll New $515 USA Shipped - dcal 12/19/2024, 10:22 pm
 WTB: Ashton-Drake Jingle Belle Outfit 2005 - ScottWashDC 12/19/2024, 10:29 am
 WTB: Jamieshow Cary - PaulB 12/19/2024, 9:43 am
 JS 17" Lee Resin Doll shipped $240.00 in USA. - dcal 12/18/2024, 9:44 pm
 FS Tonner Sister Dreary repaint by Lisa Gates 190.00 ship in USA - dcal 12/17/2024, 11:22 pm
 Updated sales - Lori in denver 12/16/2024, 8:51 am
 OOAK holiday dress from Madame M Designs. - Lee 12/15/2024, 4:00 pm

 FS/Price drop-sybarite innogui porcelain bride, Ficon “miss G in white”, Mizi princess of monaco - poughkeepsie54@aol.com 12/15/2024, 1:33 pm
 FS: Vintage Ashton Drake and Integrity Fashions for Gene & Friends - PaulB 12/15/2024, 9:10 am
 FS: JS La Vie est Belle Wig #2 Silver. NRFB. $40 includes US Shipping - PaulB 12/13/2024, 9:50 am
- SOLD - PaulB 12/13/2024, 12:46 pm
 FS: SSP and Bogues Vogues - Sandy in NY 12/13/2024, 9:17 am
 FS: OOAK Fashion by Minhtu Design Doll for 12” Doll - PaulB 12/12/2024, 4:05 pm