I wasn’t thinking of an ‘endorsement’ as such, I doubt they would do that. But, if there’s a chance to get a little plug for Caroline in front of any gathering, political or not, why not?
I wouldn’t expect to get one at most gatherings, but there’s an opportunity to do so here, by ‘hanging’ the idea it could be of some interest to a few in the room, based on it being the only UK radio station largely powered by the sun, and the fact that Caroline Lucas signed the original ‘Early Day Motion’ for Caroline getting a licence and ended up being a sponsor of the second one that Tracey Crouch set-up for Caroline’s 50th birthday.
Plus, in my experience there’s a certain overlap between people with some interest in green issues, the festival scene, Caroline and the music that is played.
It would be a little bit of free publicity, if it creates a bit of a talking point amongst even a small number of what I am told will probably be about 4,000 people, and a handful of new listeners/supporters, it’s got to be worth the minimum effort involved.
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