the quote you mention was surely from Mervyn, or John England or Caroline Brooks or his mythical 'trio ' of colleagues. It is not the first time he has accused me of multiple criminal actions and even my making this post will in due course come to his notice when he will spit out still more impotent fury.
As it happens I sent various examples of Mervyn's outpourings to a defamation lawyer and then had a meeting.
The advice was that in normal circumstances i.e. if dealing with a normal person, a ' Cease and
Desist ' letter would cure the problem.
But in this case the lawyer , being of the opinion that Mervyn is clearly deranged, suggested that a cease and desist would cause him to post even more outrageous accusations.
Then I woud be obliged to go to law causing me to spend money not all of which would be recovered when the case was found in my favour.
Additionally if damages were awarded there was doubt that Merv could pay.
Lastly, were his multiple postings doing me any actual damage that I could demonstrate, or were such readers as he has perfectly aware that he is a nut job, fruit loop and many bricks short of a load.
I detect no damage only frustration at being unfairly targeted. Maybe Merv's brain will explode soon.
Agreed, although perhaps his more extreme threats and accusations need to be aired to demonstrate what a pathetic individual he is.
One more quote as an example and then best left to his own miserable shenanigans:
"On the other hand, Malcolm Smith is constantly roping in more fools in the media who are spreading his LIES in order for Malcolm Smith to SOLICIT MONEY under FALSE PRETENSES.
That is a CRIME that needs to be stopped."
His bluff has been called but of course, it's all p*** and wind.
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